The Iceberg Project
January 2000 Retreat
Talks |
Posters |
Breakout Sessions |
Handouts/Notes ]
- Talks
- Opening Talk: ISRG Review, by Randy Katz
- Touring ICEBERG, an Overview and a Tutorial, by Helen Wang
In ICEBERG, we are building an Internet-core network for integrated
communications. Our network can be viewed as islands of cluster computing
platforms that offer scalable, available, and robust services on them. Our
signaling protocol takes the approach of lightweight sessions and soft
state, enabling scalable and robust call services in the wide area. With
multi-device communication as the basic call service combined with ICEBERG
components that manage user preferences, behaviors, and compose units of
computation, we provide an easy service creation environment for
customizable services. To address wide area quality of service issues, we
use a Clearing House-based approach that leverages aggregation to provide
scalable resource reservation and billing mechanisms. The ICEBERG
architecture also provides secure, authenticated call setup and billing
for services. We have a significant amount of future work ahead of us, in
particular we have not yet addressed the problem of Operations,
Administrations and Maintenance (OA\&M), a critical technology that is
mature in modern telecommunications networks. In addition, we are
continuing our experiments with more sophisticated and novel services and
we are in the process of formulating a well-defined service creation
model. We also plan to address the incremental wide area deployment of
ICEBERG architecture and Clearing House infrastructure over the existing
(Powerpoint 97)
- A Security Framework for a World of Post-PC Clients
and Infrastructure-based Services, by Steve Ross
The Internet has made a tremendous variety of services and content
available to users. At the same time, the Post-PC revolution has brought
the demand for information access beyond the desktop to a wide range of
new devices with differing capabilities, ranging from many small
information appliances to public access terminals. We propose the use of
an infrastructure based security framework to bridge the gap between the
capabilities of Post-PC devices and security requirements of the services.
The framework enables secure access from a wide variety of devices
including computationally challenged PDAs as well as untrusted public
terminals. By using generic content and security transformation functions
to decouple device capabilities from service requirements support for new
devices and services can be easily added to this framework. It is novel
that this framework has the ability to deal with un-trusted public
Internet access points by providing fine grain control over the content
and functionality exposed to the end device.
- Stepping Stones to Ubiquitous Connectivity, by
Jason Hill
- The ICEBERG H.323 Computer Telephony Service, by
Jimmy Shih
In the ICEBERG (Internet CEllular BEyond the thiRd Generation) Project,
we want to explore research issues associated with integrating
computer and telephony technologies. To explore these issues, we have
built a service that allows people to use their computers to make and
receive telephone calls.
We have a Motorola H.323 gateway that connects the Internet to the
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). We use Lucent's Elemedia H.323
protocol stack to build a proxy that sits infront of the gateway to
perform admission control, accounting, routing. To use
a computer to make an outgoing PSTN phone call, a user can use a H.323
client, like the Microsoft NetMeeting, to call the proxy with the number
he wants to reach. The proxy will first perform admission control and
accounting, then ask the gateway to route the call to the appropriate PSTN
phone. To receive incoming PSTN phone calls on a computer, a user needs to
first use his H.323 client to update his IP address to the proxy so that
the proxy knows how to route that user's incoming phone calls. Then when
someone on a PSTN phone wants to call that user on his computer, she will
need to call the gateway and enter a four digits number for that user. The
gateway then forwards the incoming phone call to the proxy to perform
admission control, accounting, and routing.
We are in the process of offering this service to the EECS
community so that we can explore research issues like scaling, multiple
service providers, congestion pricing, and multicast billing.
- XSet: Lightweight XML Database, by Ben Zhao
As computing services and infrastructure move more and more to the
distributed model, there is an increasing amount of metadata that needs to
be indexed and searched as components inside applications. They had
previously not been thought of as database applications, because of the
heavy-weight nature of databases in performance and semantics. XSet is a
small main memory XML database which offers performance and increased
concurrency by exploiting the weak level of semantics required by these
metadata applications. It has already been integrated into some Ninja
applications, and have been used in a variety of applications outside of the
Berkeley domain.
- Fault-Tolerant Paths, by Morley Mao
The path creation service has been newly designed to allow easy manual
path creation and path maintenance. The goal of the service is to allow
easiy, robust and fault-tolerant service composition. A new prototype
has been built that lets users create paths manually and query the
operators' running status. Automatic path patching algorithm has been
designed that guarantees the fault-tolerance and robustness of running
paths. The example application is the Ninja Jukebox service. This
application allows users to listen to music from cellphone or vat. The
path service builds a path consisting of transcoders changing from MP3
format to GSM format. If any operator and communication link between
operator should fail, the path service automatically repairs the path by
restarting the failing operator and creating another communication
The logical path matching algorithm has been refined. It is basically a
shortest path graph search problem. Any well-known single source
shortest path is applicable to this. The Dijkstra greedy algorithm has
been implemented to achieve the running on the order of O(n^2) (n: number
of nodes in the graph). To map path search problem to a graph problem,
the type of input and output becomes nodes in the graph. An edge exists
between two nodes, if there is an operator that does the transformation
between the two types. To optimize path search problem for different
criteria, the cost of the edge in the graph is modified to reflect the
goals of optimization. XML is used to describe the properties and
requirements of operators.
- Universal In-box, by Bhaskaran Raman
(Powerpoint 97)
Elevator talk:
How nice would it be if it were possible to have your pager messages
read out to you on your cell-phone; based on who sent the page, where
you are, what you're doing, and so on? How do you build it so that you
can have the same service extended to a new cool device that operates
on a BlueTooth interface? Can you have the right building blocks to
have this extension implemented and deployed in a few days/weeks'
In this presentation, we present our experience in building the
Universal In-box in the Iceberg network. The Universal In-box refers
to a set of capabilities that encapsulate (a) integration of
communication mechanisms in different networks, and (b)
personalization of the communication management features. We describe
how the Iceberg architecture has allowed us to easily extend the
Universal In-box to a new communication service: an instant-messaging
system - this extension took minimal effort (less than a day for a
no-frills implementation). It does this by abstracting away network
and device dependent details in the middleware components and away
from the one building the service.
Although the architecture provides such extensibility, the component
set, and the interfaces between the components may not yet be generic
enough for other kinds of services. Another shortcoming has been in
addressing the scaling concerns. We plan on looking at these issues in
the near future.
- Design of a Scalable Clearing House Architecture, by
Lakmi Subramanian, Chen-Nee Chuah, and Ramki Gummadi
A Clearing House (CH) coordinates the interactions between the various
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the network. The structure of the CH
is designed for efficient provisioning of resource reservations and sercure
billing services. In addition, the CH must scale over both distance and
number of ISPs to support the operation of ICEBERG in the wide area. Three
key ideas emplyed in this design to make the CH scalable to a large user
base are hierarchy, aggregation, and indirection. We assume
the network is composed of various basic domains (based on either
administrative or geographic boundaries) which are aggregated to form
logical domains This introduces a hierarchical tree of the logical
domains and a ditributed CH architecture is associated with each logical
domain in the gree. Each of these distributed architectures maintains only
the aggregated state of their domains. Call setup time is reduced by
employing powerful statistical techniques like Kalman filters to estimate
the call traffic across various links and perform advance reservations. The
report also discusses the scalable security, billing and privacy issues in
the Clearing House.
- Personal Activity Coordinator, by
Xia Hong
- Posters
- In Search of a Service Platform for ICEBERG, by Helen Wang
This poster intends to generate discussions on what direction we should
take on defining a service platform for ICEBERG, namely a service creation
environment (or SDK) for ICEBERG Services. ICEBERG services can be
divided up into two categories: Internet service access from heterogeneous
devices and customizable communication services. For the first type of
service, we propose the use of a virtual IAP to make all Internet services
behave like an ICEBERG endpoint. For the latter, we intend to define a
complete set of observable events (customizable points) in communication
services. To mitigate standardization, we are investigating some compiler
techniques to enable the mix and match of service logics and underlying
communication systems.
(PowerPoint 97)
- XSet, a lightweight XML database, by Ben Zhao
As computing services and infrastructure move more and more to the
distributed model, there is an increasing amount of metadata that needs to
be indexed and searched as components inside applications. They had
previously not been thought of as database applications, because of the
heavy-weight nature of databases in performance and semantics. XSet is a
small main memory XML database which offers performance and increased
concurrency by exploiting the weak level of semantics required by these
metadata applications. It has already been integrated into some Ninja
applications, and have been used in a variety of applications outside of the
Berkeley domain.
- Resource Provisioning and Bandwidth Brokering for
IP-core Networks, by Chen-nee Chuah
We describe the Clearing House approach to perform resource reservation
and bandwidth brokering, which are critical for providing quality of
service (QoS) in the wide-area networks. We discussed the traffic
monitoring mechanisms involved, and algorithms we use to predict bandwidth
usage in different time-scales. The main ideas behind our reservation
strategies are: aggregation, hierarchy and decoupled signalings between
different Clearing House nodes. Resource reservations are not performed
on a per-call basis, but aggregated over various connections that use a
particular link. The hierarchical Clearing House structure allows an
efficient distribution of global information required for making admission
control decisions and dynamic adjustment of resource reservations. The
decoupling of notifications and reservation requests reduce the signaling
overhead and reservation setup time.
- Video Over Wireless Links, by Almudena Konrad and
Amoolya Singh
The wireless link poses a significant challenge for sending video
streams. This is due to the fact that current generation wireless links
have low bit rate and high error rate compared to wire-line links. In
order to send high bit rate delay-sensitive traffic over a wireless link,
suitable video compression algorithms and transport/link protocols need
to be implemented. Our goal was to build a wireless video system merging
a low bit rate video codec with appropriate transport/link layer
protocols that overcome the constraints imposed by the wireless link.
The overall performance of this wireless video system was evaluated using
both quantitative performance metrics (such as throughput, jitter, packet
loss, and end-to-end latency) and qualitative performance metrics (such
as viewer perception of quality: smooth motion, changes in luminance,
edge detection, etc).
- Internet Service Models by Ramki Gummadi
Existing Internet Service Models are inadequate because a) don't
allow efficient service composition b) don't have an efficient event model
that captures the context of use of a device c) have no unified way of
dealing with persistent user preferences and data (such as billing,
previously manipulated content, etc.), as well as ephemeral data (stock
quotes, weather reports, traffic information, etc.). In the poster, we
present a service architecture that facilitates dynamic service composition
through active proxies, has a simple and powerful service naming, creation,
migration, and usage mechanism, exposes an event specification and
notification mechansim, and deals with transient and persistent data in a
single framework.
- Automatic Content Extraction for Voicemail Using
Ninja by Steven Czerwinski and Barbara Hohlt
- Service Creation and Extensibility in Iceberg
, by Bhaskaran Raman
(PowerPoint 97)
Elevator talk:
Suppose that you have a Jukebox service that can play mp3 music to
your desktop on the Internet. What does it take to have the same
service available on your new wireless hand-held device with audio
capabilities? How much effort does it take for someone to such an
extension? Can you have the right middleware components to have this
done in a matter of days/weeks?
This poster explains the experience in extending two Ninja services to
Iceberg devices. The two services were (a) a jukebox service that
plays mp3s on IP-hosts, and (b) an instant-messaging system that
integrates email, AIM, and ICQ. Both were built completely independent
of Iceberg. Conceptually, as well as in implementation, extending
these service to Iceberg end-points has been very easy. With the same
amount of effort, the service is extended to ALL Iceberg
end-points. This was possible due to the network and device
independence features provided by Iceberg components.
- Security Issues in Iceberg Call Setup
, by Bhaskaran Raman
(PowerPoint 97)
Elevator talk:
What are the authentication issues associated with personal mobility
in Iceberg, where the components reside in the Internet? When you have
a network component that redirects and filters your calls, how do you
ensure that it is not by-passed? Can you have a capability whereby you
can with-hold your cell-phone number from someone, and still have
calls from them come on your cell-phone on special occasions? How do
you do this in a secure fashion resilient to attacks?
This poster presents our initial thoughts on authentication mechanisms
for secure call-setup in the Iceberg scenario. The mechanisms for 3
specific steps are detailed: (a) Naming service lookup, (b) Preference
registry lookup, and (c) the actual call setup phase. We assume a PKI;
the naming service can use the PKI for authentication, and can also
serve as a location independent mechanism for distributing keys. The
second step involves the issue of caller-id authentication; and the
third involves that of ensuring callee control, and callee number
privacy. Several optimizations are possible to avoid all of the
authentication steps. We have not yet considered the steps involving
other Iceberg components: the APC-Service, the Clearing-House, and the
- Pricing, Charging, and Billing Experiments using the
H.323 Gateway, by Jimmy Shih.
- Iceberg Preferences Manager, by Rahul Biswas.
The Preference Manager is a graphical tool that allows users to specify
their communication handling preferences for the Iceberg system.
Communication includes incoming stream data such as telephony or fax and
static data such as pages and e-mail messages. With this tool, the user
can choose to route incoming communication to any end device based on the
identity of the caller, the type of device the caller is using, the time
of day, or dynamic state from the Personal Activity Coordinator. These
preferences are used to generate a script that is then stored on the local
Preference Registry. The Preference Manager features group aggregation,
call waiting screening, an automated locator service, and a call
- Breakout session discussions
- Event-model for Internet Services, reported by
Ramki Gummadi
Current Internet Services have no generic mechansim of using events to
provide context-dependent services. We studied a model for event
subscription, publishing, posting, notification, and delivery that is both
simple and powerful to be used directly in scenarios like persistent
NinjaMail service, and SDS service. The model also supports filtering of
events, chaining of filters, and service composition through delivery of
events to other services, through the concept of a channel, filter,
transducer, and sink.
- Wide-area paths , reported by Ben Zhao
The issue of APC has been tackled recently by two separate projects. While
there is much work to be done, the local area story seems to be tractable,
and a complete implementation forthcoming. But what about the wide area?
Already the ICEBERG model is pushing for APC functionality on the wide-area,
and the problem still seems to be completely intractable. We had a
relatively fruitful discussion on the importance of the problem, whether it
was tractable, and came up with several best-effort approximations to a
generalized solution.
- Performance Metrics for ICEBERG, reported by
Jimmy Shih
The mission of ICEBERG project is to build an Internet-core network
architecture and service infrastructure that provide integrated telephony
and data services across heterogenious access networks. Our primary goals
include scalability, robustness, operation in the Wide-area, personal and
service mobility, ease of service creation,security and privacy. The next
challenge we encounter is to derive a set of metrics for evaluating the
success of ICEBERG in achieving these goals.
In particular, we are looking for feedback on:
- the appropriate simulation framework or testing platforms to
study the scalability performance of ICEBERG
- reasonable metrics to measure ease of service creation (for
developers), ease of usability and configuration (for users)
of the various services provided by ICEBERG
- well-studied benchmarks we can use to evaluate ICEBERG
- privacy issues and vulnerability of our security model.
Breakout Overview (Powerpoint)
Breakout Results (Powerpoint)
- Handouts/Notes (if not direct from poster/talk)
- Retreat Industrial Feedback,
- Design For a Clearing House Architecture,
- Automatic Content Extraction for Voicemail, by
Steven E. Czerwinski and Barbara Hohlt.
- Feedback / Breakout on SS7 and Reiner's Challenge,