ICEBERG Project Review, Aug 2000
This page has the material from the ICEBERG
project review at Ericsson, Sweden (Aug 21-23, 2000). The presentations
constitute a comprehensive overview of ICEBERG as of Aug 2000.
Project motivation, goals, overview, and rationale [ppt]
Design decisions -- outline [ppt]
Top-level design decisions
Rationale for IP-based approach [ppt]
Why infrastructure based approach? [ppt]
Leveraging cluster-computing environments: Ninja vSpace [ppt]
Design of the ICEBERG components and capabilities
Separation of functionality into the current set of components [ppt]
Signaling protocol for flexible multi-party communication, comparison with
SIP/H.323 [ppt]
Service creation model [ppt]
Clearing House for resource reservation [ppt
(Aug 21)] [ppt
(Aug 22)] [abstract]
Secure lightweight billing using Clearing House [ppt]
Automatic Path Creation service for generic data-transformation [ppt]
Preference Registry and Preference Manager to flexibly redirect incoming
communication [ppt]
Personal Activity Coordinator [ppt]
Naming service to map device and service identities [ppt]
ICEBERG applications, and lessons learned
Universal Inbox for personal mobility and service mobility [ppt]
MediaManager: unified messaging [ppt]
IP Telephony testbed for congestion-based pricing [ppt]
Video over wireless: performance and protocol issues [ppt]
ICEBERG Testbed [ppt]
Bhaskaran Raman,
Last Updated: Sep 25 2000, Monday