PPT Slide
- R. Ludwig, B. Rathonyi,“Link Layer Enhancements for TCP/IP over GSM”,In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 99.
- R. Ludwig, B. Rathonyi, A. Konrad, K. Oden, A. Joseph, “Multi-Layer Tracing of TCP over a Reliable Wireless Link”,In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS 99.
- R. Ludwig, A. Konrad, A. D. Joseph, R. H. Katz,“Optimizing the End-to-End Performance of Reliable Flows over Wireless Links”,To appear in ACM/Baltzer Wireless Networks Journal(Special issue: Selected papers from ACM/IEEE MOBICOM 99).
- R. Ludwig, R. H. Katz,“The Eifel Algorithm: Making TCP Robust Against Spurious Retransmissions”, ACM Computer Communication Review Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1, January 2000.
- R. Ludwig, K. Sklower,“The Eifel Retransmission Timer”, ACM Computer Communication Review Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3, July 2000.