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Interface iceberg.APCpath.connectors.StreamConnectorWriterIF

public interface StreamConnectorWriterIF
extends Serializable

Method Index

 o close()
close a connector after sending a single ADU (connectors can be re-opened after a close)
 o init()
init is called when the connector stub is attached to an operator
 o kill()
kill a connector when it's no longer useful (e.g., the path is being destroyed)
 o open()
open a connector for I/O of a single ADU (application data unit)
 o write(byte[])
writes buf[] bytes to the stream connector.
 o write(byte[], int, int)


 o write
 public abstract void write(byte buf[]) throws IOException
writes buf[] bytes to the stream connector. throws an exception on failure

 o write
 public abstract void write(byte buf[],
                            int off,
                            int len) throws IOException
 o init
 public abstract void init() throws IOException
init is called when the connector stub is attached to an operator

 o open
 public abstract void open() throws IOException
open a connector for I/O of a single ADU (application data unit)

 o close
 public abstract void close() throws IOException
close a connector after sending a single ADU (connectors can be re-opened after a close)

 o kill
 public abstract void kill() throws IOException
kill a connector when it's no longer useful (e.g., the path is being destroyed)

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