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Class iceberg.APCpath.descr.OperatorInfo


public abstract class OperatorInfo
extends Object
implements Serializable, OperatorInfoIF

Variable Index

 o _iapName
 o _myHost
 o _myPort
 o _operatorClassName
 o _remoteHost
 o _remotePort

Constructor Index

 o OperatorInfo()
 o OperatorInfo(String, int)
 o OperatorInfo(String, String)

Method Index

 o createOperatorInfo(String)
opDesc is in form of: operatorType = Vat (case sensitive) -- used to determine the operator type and operatorInfo type operatorArgumentList dependes on the operator Type if Vat: then it is opDesc can be expressed as an end point address
 o equals(OperatorInfo)
 o getDNString()
 o getIAPName()
 o getInputType()
 o getKey()
 o getMyHost()
 o getMyPort()
 o getOperatorClassName()
 o getOutputType()
 o getPathInfoForIAP()
 o getRemoteHost()
 o getRemotePort()
 o getServiceSpecID()
 o setArgs(String)
 o setPathInfoFromIAP(String)
 o setPeerOp(OperatorInfo)
 o setRemoteHostAndPort(String, int)
 o toString()


 o _operatorClassName
 protected String _operatorClassName
 o _iapName
 protected String _iapName
 o _remoteHost
 protected String _remoteHost
 o _remotePort
 protected int _remotePort
 o _myHost
 protected String _myHost
 o _myPort
 protected int _myPort


 o OperatorInfo
 public OperatorInfo()
 o OperatorInfo
 public OperatorInfo(String opClassName,
                     String iapName)
 o OperatorInfo
 public OperatorInfo(String myHost,
                     int myPort)


 o getKey
 public abstract String getKey()
 o getIAPName
 public String getIAPName()
 o getOperatorClassName
 public String getOperatorClassName()
 o setArgs
 public abstract void setArgs(String args)
 o setPeerOp
 public void setPeerOp(OperatorInfo opInfo)
 o getMyHost
 public String getMyHost()
 o getMyPort
 public int getMyPort()
 o getRemoteHost
 public String getRemoteHost()
 o getRemotePort
 public int getRemotePort()
 o setRemoteHostAndPort
 public void setRemoteHostAndPort(String remoteHost,
                                  int port)
 o equals
 public abstract boolean equals(OperatorInfo opInfo)
 o toString
 public abstract String toString()
toString in class Object
 o getPathInfoForIAP
 public String getPathInfoForIAP()
 o setPathInfoFromIAP
 public void setPathInfoFromIAP(String pathInfo)
 o createOperatorInfo
 public static OperatorInfo createOperatorInfo(String opDesc)
opDesc is in form of: operatorType = Vat (case sensitive) -- used to determine the operator type and operatorInfo type operatorArgumentList dependes on the operator Type if Vat: then it is opDesc can be expressed as an end point address

 o getInputType
 public abstract String getInputType()
 o getOutputType
 public abstract String getOutputType()

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