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Class iceberg.APCpath.operators.SockReadOp


public class SockReadOp
extends Operator

Variable Index

 o blockSize
 o bufferlen
 o in
 o IN
 o myname
 o OUT
 o out
 o proc
 o procinput
 o procoutput
 o procstdout

Constructor Index

 o SockReadOp()
 o SockReadOp(String, String, String)

Method Index

 o connect(int, int, int, String, int, int)
This call is necessary for the persistent SockReadOp.
 o disconnect(int)
This call is necessary for the persistent SockReadOp.
 o exec()
Start any executable - gives a better measure of the end2end perf at the client
 o getCmd()
 o getInputType()
Should return the input type of the operator
 o getOutputType()
Should return the output type of the operator
 o ipBlockSize()
 o opBlockSize()


 o IN
 public static final String IN
 o OUT
 public static final String OUT
 o myname
 public String myname
 o bufferlen
 protected static final int bufferlen
 o procinput
 protected InputStream procinput
 o procstdout
 protected BufferedReader procstdout
 o procoutput
 protected OutputStream procoutput
 o in
 protected String in
 o out
 protected String out
 o proc
 protected Process proc
 o blockSize
 protected static final int blockSize


 o SockReadOp
 public SockReadOp(String myname,
                   String in,
                   String out) throws RemoteException
 o SockReadOp
 public SockReadOp() throws RemoteException


 o getInputType
 public String getInputType() throws RemoteException
Should return the input type of the operator

getInputType in class Operator
 o getOutputType
 public String getOutputType() throws RemoteException
Should return the output type of the operator

getOutputType in class Operator
 o opBlockSize
 public int opBlockSize() throws RemoteException
opBlockSize in class Operator
 o ipBlockSize
 public int ipBlockSize() throws RemoteException
ipBlockSize in class Operator
 o getCmd
 protected String[] getCmd()
 o exec
 public void exec()
Start any executable - gives a better measure of the end2end perf at the client

exec in class Operator
 o connect
 public synchronized int connect(int pathid,
                                 int srcPort,
                                 int srcConnType,
                                 String ipAddr,
                                 int dstPort,
                                 int dstConnType) throws RemoteException
This call is necessary for the persistent SockReadOp. It connects an incoming stream to an outgoing stream.

connect in class Operator
 o disconnect
 public synchronized void disconnect(int pathid) throws RemoteException
This call is necessary for the persistent SockReadOp. Disconnects a connection made earlier for 'pathid'

disconnect in class Operator

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