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public interface APCIF
extends Remote

Method Index

 o changePath(int, EndPointInfo)
changes path's source endpointinfo
 o changePathEndPt(int, String, String)
changes path's first operator to the new addresss and new port
 o pathRequest(EndPointInfo, EndPointInfo)
This function is called to request to have a new data path built from the source point with srcEndpt to destination point with destEndpt.
 o pathRequest(int, String, String, String, String, String, String, Object[], Object[], String, String)
Create a path and return a handle to it
 o pathTearDown(int)
Tear down the path identified by the argument pathId
 o repairPath(String, String, int, int)


 o pathRequest
 public abstract int pathRequest(int pathid,
                                 String inputType,
                                 String outputType,
                                 String inputHost,
                                 String inputPort,
                                 String outputHost,
                                 String outputPort,
                                 Object argList1[],
                                 Object argList2[],
                                 String cName,
                                 String sessionID) throws RemoteException, PathNotFoundException
Create a path and return a handle to it

pathid - -- -1 if the path ID is to be assigned and returned, other wise specify the desired path ID, needed for changepath
 o pathRequest
 public abstract int pathRequest(EndPointInfo srcEndpt,
                                 EndPointInfo destEndpt) throws RemoteException, PathNotFoundException
This function is called to request to have a new data path built from the source point with srcEndpt to destination point with destEndpt. EndPointInfo is a data structure containing relevant information needed for path construction (e.g. data format, IP address and port number etc.) Path ID is returned as a unique handle to the path built.

endpt1 - -- the description of the source
endpt2 - -- the description of the destination
 o changePathEndPt
 public abstract void changePathEndPt(int pathId,
                                      String newAddress,
                                      String newPort) throws RemoteException
changes path's first operator to the new addresss and new port

 o changePath
 public abstract void changePath(int pathId,
                                 EndPointInfo newSrcEndPtInfo) throws RemoteException, PathNotFoundException
changes path's source endpointinfo

 o pathTearDown
 public abstract void pathTearDown(int pathId) throws RemoteException
Tear down the path identified by the argument pathId

 o repairPath
 public abstract void repairPath(String opName,
                                 String inOutType,
                                 int connectionType,
                                 int pathID) throws RemoteException
opName - -- Name of the operator
inOutType - -- describes the broken operator: "in": operator that gives the input data, "out": operator that receives output data
connectionType - -- the type of connection between the broken operator and the given operator
pathID - -- identifies the path repaired

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