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Class iceberg.iap.gsm_iap.Gsm_Iap


public class Gsm_Iap
extends Object
The class that implements the GSM-IAP functionality.

Variable Index

 o data_host
The host that is forwarding packets from/to the IPPAD.
 o imsi_3digit
Table internal to Gsm_Iap to map IMSI numbers to 3-digit SIM card numbers.
 o ipBSize
The input block size
 o ippad
 o ldapObj
The ldap instance used for name lookups
 o my_host_ip
My IP Address in dotted string notation
 o my_host_name
My host name
 o myInetAddress
My IP Address
 o name_server
The name server for bootstrap
 o opBSize
The output block size
 o Reachable
The HashTable to store the list of reachable phones
 o regnSocket
The registration socket for incoming IMSIAttach/IMSIDetach notification connections
 o to_thr
The object implementing IAPIF (required for setting up call through Call Agent)

Constructor Index

 o Gsm_Iap()

Method Index

 o init(String, String, boolean)
Spawns 3 threads: - One for handling ctl_data - One for handling call setup/term from internet side - One for handling call setup/term from UPSim side
 o main(String[])
The main program.


 o ippad
 public static InetAddress ippad

 o data_host
 public static String data_host
The host that is forwarding packets from/to the IPPAD. This is the host that will make the ctl_data connection to Gsm_Iap.

 o myInetAddress
 public static InetAddress myInetAddress
My IP Address

 o my_host_name
 public static String my_host_name
My host name

 o my_host_ip
 public static String my_host_ip
My IP Address in dotted string notation

 o imsi_3digit
 public static Hashtable imsi_3digit
Table internal to Gsm_Iap to map IMSI numbers to 3-digit SIM card numbers. This table is also present in the UPSim.

 o name_server
 public static String name_server
The name server for bootstrap

 o ldapObj
 public static ldap ldapObj
The ldap instance used for name lookups

 o Reachable
 public static Hashtable Reachable
The HashTable to store the list of reachable phones

 o regnSocket
 public static RegnSocket regnSocket
The registration socket for incoming IMSIAttach/IMSIDetach notification connections

 o ipBSize
 public static int ipBSize
The input block size

 o opBSize
 public static int opBSize
The output block size

 o to_thr
 public static Callto to_thr
The object implementing IAPIF (required for setting up call through Call Agent)


 o Gsm_Iap
 public Gsm_Iap()


 o main
 public static void main(String argv[])
The main program. Call into init(String, String, boolean)

 o init
 public static void init(String name_server,
                         String iPoPHost,
                         boolean withCA)
Spawns 3 threads: - One for handling ctl_data - One for handling call setup/term from internet side - One for handling call setup/term from UPSim side

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