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Class iceberg.iap.mail_cl.Msg2Voice


public class Msg2Voice
extends IAPWithCA
implements Msg2VoiceIF, RMIConnectorReaderIF, IAPIF, ConnectorMgrIF
Client IAP for outgoing mails. Can be run as an independent program or as an iSpaceService. When run as an iSpaceService, it uses a Call Agent for signaling. When run as an independent program, it uses its own RMI signaling. To run as iSpaceService, make Msg2Voice extend IAP, and to run as an independent program, make Msg2Voice extend UnicastRemoteObject.

Variable Index

 o ipBSize
The input block size
 o Msg2VoiceImpl
The instance of the Msg2Voice class
 o msgTable
 o opBSize
The output block size

Constructor Index

 o Msg2Voice()

Method Index

 o beHungUp(CallAgentIF, EndPointInfo)
RMI call from CA when remote end hangs up.
 o cleanUp(int, OperatorIF, String)
Call for terminating the 'operator'
 o createStartConn(int, OperatorIF, InetAddress, int, String)
Dummy call
 o destroy()
Extending iSpaceService
 o getBytes(String)
To be called by the APC service, to fetch the data to be converted to audio
 o init(iSpaceServiceConfig)
init - to be called by iSpace
 o init(String, String, String, boolean)
 o loadLocalOperator(int, DescrOperator, String, String)
Call for loading the 'operator'
 o main(String[])
 o rejected(String, String)
RMI call from CA when remote end rejects call.
 o ring(CallAgentIF, String, String, String[])
The RMI interface for the CA to call on incoming call.
 o SendMsg(String, String, String, String)
Send given msg stream to 'to_user' after looking up preferred end-point


 o ipBSize
 public static int ipBSize
The input block size

 o opBSize
 public static int opBSize
The output block size

 o Msg2VoiceImpl
 public static Msg2Voice Msg2VoiceImpl
The instance of the Msg2Voice class

 o msgTable
 public Hashtable msgTable


 o Msg2Voice
 public Msg2Voice() throws RemoteException


 o SendMsg
 public void SendMsg(String data,
                     String from_user,
                     String to_user,
                     String msg_id) throws RemoteException
Send given msg stream to 'to_user' after looking up preferred end-point

 o getBytes
 public byte[] getBytes(String msgId) throws RemoteException
To be called by the APC service, to fetch the data to be converted to audio

 o init
 public void init(iSpaceServiceConfig config)
init - to be called by iSpace

init in class IAP
 o destroy
 public void destroy()
Extending iSpaceService

destroy in class iSpaceService
 o main
 public static void main(String argv[])
 o init
 public static void init(String simja_host,
                         String name_server,
                         String iPoPHost,
                         boolean withCA)
 o ring
 public RingReply ring(CallAgentIF ca,
                       String callerID,
                       String netSpecID,
                       String others[]) throws RemoteException
The RMI interface for the CA to call on incoming call. This is not supposed to be called for the IAP

ring in class IAPWithCA
 o beHungUp
 public void beHungUp(CallAgentIF ca,
                      EndPointInfo info) throws RemoteException
RMI call from CA when remote end hangs up. This should actually stop any ongoing processing. But this requires recoding of the SendMsg routine. Ignore for now.

beHungUp in class IAPWithCA
 o rejected
 public void rejected(String calleeAddr,
                      String pathInfo) throws RemoteException
RMI call from CA when remote end rejects call. This is not supposed to be called for this IAP.

rejected in class IAPWithCA
 o loadLocalOperator
 public OperatorIF loadLocalOperator(int pathid,
                                     DescrOperator thedescr,
                                     String name,
                                     String callid) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException, RemoteException
Call for loading the 'operator'

loadLocalOperator in class IAPWithCA
 o createStartConn
 public ConnEntry createStartConn(int connType,
                                  OperatorIF opSource,
                                  InetAddress addr,
                                  int port,
                                  String callid) throws RemoteException, IOException
Dummy call

createStartConn in class IAPWithCA
 o cleanUp
 public void cleanUp(int pathid,
                     OperatorIF op,
                     String callid) throws RemoteException
Call for terminating the 'operator'

cleanUp in class IAPWithCA

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