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Class iceberg.iap.vat_iap.Vat_Iap


public class Vat_Iap
extends IAPWithCA
implements rmi2phone, IAPIF, ConnectorMgrIF
IAP for vat. This can run as an independent executable, or from iSpace. To run it a separate program, make Vat_Iap extend 'UnicastRemoteObject'. To run it as an iSpaceService, make Vat_Iap extend 'IAP' It should just compile either way. When it runs as an iSpaceService, Vat_Iap uses a CallAgent for signaling. Else, it uses its own signaling between IAPs. Note: Operation without the call agent has not been tested very well.

See Also:
IAPWithCA, IAPIF, ConnectorMgrIF, rmi2phone

Variable Index

 o accBtn
Button for user to accept/reject call
 o accepted
Has incoming call been accepted?
 o accWaitStat
 o calleeEmail
The text field in the GUI for callee's e-mail
 o callerEmail
The identity of the caller (in email format)
 o connStat
 o discStat
 o ipBSize
The input block size
 o ldapObj
The ldap instance used for name lookups
 o log
Text area for log messages
 o my_format
Format to be used by vat
 o my_host_ip
My IP Address in dotted string notation
 o my_host_name
My host name
 o my_vat_port
Port to be used by vat
 o myInetAddress
My IP Address
 o myRuntime
The Runtime of the JVM
 o name_server
The name server for bootstrap
 o opBSize
The output block size
 o RMIName
The RMIName to which I am bound
 o statusLabel
The label indicating status
 o vat_thr
The thread that waits for vat
 o vatImpl
The instance of the Vat_Iap class

Constructor Index

 o Vat_Iap()

Method Index

 o beHungUp(CallAgentIF, EndPointInfo)
RMI call from CA to terminate a call.
 o call2phone(rmi2phone_req)
The RMI server.
 o call2phone(rmi2phone_req, CallAgentIF)
Called by the RMI interface routine to do the actual work.
 o cleanUp(int, OperatorIF, String)
Call for terminating the 'operator'
 o createStartConn(int, OperatorIF, InetAddress, int, String)
This is the call that gives info on the destination of packets from vat.
 o destroy()
Required for running as iSpace service
 o init(iSpaceServiceConfig)
init - to be called by iSpace; calls into the other init()
 o init(String, String, String, String, boolean)
init - will be called by init(iSpaceServiceConfig) and by main()
 o loadLocalOperator(int, DescrOperator, String, String)
Call for loading the 'operator'.
 o logAppend(String)
GUI related routine
 o main(String[])
The program with the GUI that execs vat for incoming calls.
 o rejected(String, String)
RMI call from CA when remote end rejects call -- not sure if this is ever called by the call agent
 o ring(CallAgentIF, String, String, String[])
The RMI interface for the CA to call on incoming call.


 o myInetAddress
 public static InetAddress myInetAddress
My IP Address

 o my_host_name
 public static String my_host_name
My host name

 o my_host_ip
 public static String my_host_ip
My IP Address in dotted string notation

 o my_vat_port
 public static int my_vat_port
Port to be used by vat

 o my_format
 public static String my_format
Format to be used by vat

 o vat_thr
 public static VatThrClass vat_thr
The thread that waits for vat

 o myRuntime
 public static Runtime myRuntime
The Runtime of the JVM

 o RMIName
 public static String RMIName
The RMIName to which I am bound

 o name_server
 public static String name_server
The name server for bootstrap

 o ldapObj
 public static ldap ldapObj
The ldap instance used for name lookups

 o calleeEmail
 public static JTextField calleeEmail
The text field in the GUI for callee's e-mail

 o statusLabel
 public static JLabel statusLabel
The label indicating status

 o connStat
 public static String connStat
 o discStat
 public static String discStat
 o accWaitStat
 public static String accWaitStat
 o log
 public static JTextArea log
Text area for log messages

 o accBtn
 public static JButton accBtn
Button for user to accept/reject call

 o accepted
 public static boolean accepted
Has incoming call been accepted?

 o vatImpl
 public static Vat_Iap vatImpl
The instance of the Vat_Iap class

 o ipBSize
 public static int ipBSize
The input block size

 o opBSize
 public static int opBSize
The output block size

 o callerEmail
 public static String callerEmail
The identity of the caller (in email format)


 o Vat_Iap
 public Vat_Iap() throws RemoteException


 o call2phone
 public synchronized rmi2phone_rep call2phone(rmi2phone_req req) throws RemoteException
The RMI server. IAP handles incoming calls through this interface. This is called when vat_iap is operating without a call agent. The name is due to historical reasons :-)

 o call2phone
 public synchronized rmi2phone_rep call2phone(rmi2phone_req req,
                                              CallAgentIF ca) throws RemoteException
Called by the RMI interface routine to do the actual work.

req - - the incoming request
ca - - the call agent (null if operating without CA)
 o logAppend
 public static void logAppend(String s)
GUI related routine

 o ring
 public RingReply ring(CallAgentIF ca,
                       String callerID,
                       String netSpecID,
                       String others[]) throws RemoteException
The RMI interface for the CA to call on incoming call. This just calls call2phone with the appropriate transformation of args and return value. Note: many of the fields in rmi2phone_req and rmi2phone_rep are not really required.

ring in class IAPWithCA
 o beHungUp
 public void beHungUp(CallAgentIF ca,
                      EndPointInfo info) throws RemoteException
RMI call from CA to terminate a call. This just calls call2phone with the appropriate transformation of args.

ca - - the call agent corresponding to the call (not used)
info - - the end-point info that was passed in the original RingReply to ring() or OutgoingCallRequest in handleOutgoingCall() -- this has the session-id
beHungUp in class IAPWithCA
 o rejected
 public void rejected(String calleeAddr,
                      String pathInfo) throws RemoteException
RMI call from CA when remote end rejects call -- not sure if this is ever called by the call agent

rejected in class IAPWithCA
 o init
 public void init(iSpaceServiceConfig config)
init - to be called by iSpace; calls into the other init()

init in class IAP
 o main
 public static void main(String argv[])
The program with the GUI that execs vat for incoming calls. main() is not invoked when operating with a call-agent.

 o init
 public static void init(String name_server,
                         String iPoPHost,
                         String fmt,
                         String callerEmail,
                         boolean withCA)
init - will be called by init(iSpaceServiceConfig) and by main()

name_server - - the local Iceberg name server
iPoPHost - - the host running the iPoP service
fmt - - the format to be used by vat (gsm or pcm-ul-8000)
callerEmail - - email id of the person using the IAP
withCA - - am I operating with a call agent?
 o destroy
 protected void destroy()
Required for running as iSpace service

destroy in class iSpaceService
 o loadLocalOperator
 public OperatorIF loadLocalOperator(int pathid,
                                     DescrOperator thedescr,
                                     String name,
                                     String sessionID) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException, RemoteException
Call for loading the 'operator'. Return the interface to the dummy operator.

pathid - - the id of the path
thedescr - - description of the source operator to be run at this end
name - - name of the operator (ignored)
sessionID - - the callid/sessionID that was passed in the original EndPointInfo to the call agent
loadLocalOperator in class IAPWithCA
 o createStartConn
 public ConnEntry createStartConn(int connType,
                                  OperatorIF opSource,
                                  InetAddress addr,
                                  int port,
                                  String sessionID) throws RemoteException, IOException
This is the call that gives info on the destination of packets from vat.

connType - - ignored
opSource - - ignored
addr - - destination IP address of pkts from this source operator
port - - destn port for pkts from this src operator
sessionID - - the callid/sessionID that was passed in the original EndPointInfo to the call agent
createStartConn in class IAPWithCA
 o cleanUp
 public void cleanUp(int pathid,
                     OperatorIF op,
                     String sessionID) throws RemoteException
Call for terminating the 'operator'

sessionID - - the callid/sessionID that was passed in the original EndPointInfo to the call agent (not used, other args also not used)
cleanUp in class IAPWithCA

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