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Class iceberg.util.name_lookup_info


public class name_lookup_info
extends Object
The information that is returned by an LDAP lookup

Variable Index

 o ids
The different network specific ids of this ICEBERG entity.
 o pref_reg_url
The RMI URL of the preference registry corresponding to this ICEBERG entity
 o uniqid
The unique id of this ICEBERG entity

Constructor Index

 o name_lookup_info(String, String, String[])

Method Index

 o toString()


 o pref_reg_url
 public String pref_reg_url
The RMI URL of the preference registry corresponding to this ICEBERG entity

 o uniqid
 public String uniqid
The unique id of this ICEBERG entity

 o ids
 public String ids[]
The different network specific ids of this ICEBERG entity. This field is not used in this version.


 o name_lookup_info
 public name_lookup_info(String pref_reg_url,
                         String uniqid,
                         String ids[])


 o toString
 public String toString()
toString in class Object

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