# configuration file for the stand-alone state machine engine iPOPHost = demo1.iceberg # port on iPOP that receives the HB (from IAP) iPOPHBRcvrPort = 5006 # port on IAP that receives the HB (from iPOP) IAPHBRcvrPort = 5060 # iapHBTimeout in seconds # iapHBTimeout = 5 smSpec = /home/bhaskar/iceberg1/smSpec/iap.sms taskType = iceberg1.iap.IAPEvent evtPkgName = iceberg1.iap.events. hdlrPkgName = iceberg1.iap.hdlrs.jukebox_iap. uiClassName = iceberg1.iap.ui.jukebox_iap.Jukebox_Iap uiCfgFile = demo1.iceberg -r songs.txt toClusterHBPeriod = 1000 toClusterHBTimeout = 9999999 mcastTransportAddr = mcastTransportPort = 4356