ICEBERG Universal Preference Configurator (iUPC) Documentation

This document describes the implementation and use of the ICEBERG Universal Preference Configurator GUI. This frontend was named preference manager in ICEBERG-v0.

The iUPC resides in the iceberg1/prefcfg directory with dependencies only on the iceberg1/pref files. The input from the frontend GUI is processed and then sent to the backend.

Setting up the iUPC

Compile all the java files in the iceberg1/prefcfg directory.

Make sure a proper configuration file is specified in prefcfg.cfg. This file is parsed by the Configuration class. Here's a sample:


When receive an incoming call=yourUID1,callingTime0,location0
Your device has picked up the call=callerID1,calleeID1, callingTime0
Device Unavailable=callerID1,calleeID1, callingTime0,devsTried0



An example configuration file, with explanatory comments is prefcfg.cfg.

The PrefRegServer is where your preference registry server lies. The phases are customizable and are in the format <name=parameter1,parameter2>. The binary digit next to each parameter represent whether the iUPC should ask the user for a uniqID when setting up the preferences. So for callerID, a uniqID is needed thus a 1 bit is set. Otherwise, for callingTime a uniqID is not needed, so the 0 bit is set.

Running the iUPC

The GUI is run as:

java iceberg1.prefcfg.Login

Configuration files are stored as Java Object files with the username followed by ".obj". So my object file would be "tsohn.obj". This object file is made from the Pref class.

Using the iUPC

The iUPC begins at the login screen. If a previous .obj file is not found in the directory where the iUPC was run, a new .obj file will be made upon login.

Upon login the main window from which all actions stem is shown. New users may use the wizard to develop their endpoints, parameters, and rules. Advanced users may do each simply by clicking on the respective buttons for the options to personalize.

Note: Check will check the call phase handlers, and Upload will upload your preferences to the backend.

We will show a simple example of setting up a rule through the rule wizard. The first part of the wizard is to setup appropriate endpoints.

After setting up your endpoints, the next step is to select the appropriate phase for which you would like to setup a rule for. In this case we have selected the phase "Your device has picked up the call." Each phase refers to an underlying state in the backend state machine.

For each phase a particular set of parameters is listed, read from the prefcfg.cfg file. At least one of these parameters must be categorized in order for a rule to be setup.

Here is a sample category setup from clicking on the categorize button for the parameter callerID.

After setting up the categories, you must choose which parameters to use in constructing the rule. At least one parameter must be checked. Since I setup callerID and calleeID, I checked both of those boxes.

From the checked parameter, the iUPC will show all the customizable options of a rule. Within each parameter there is an OR relationship, and between different parameters is an AND relationship. So for callerID, if either friends or not family is satisfied AND school in calleeID is satisfied, then the action SendMsg will be taken on the device ericsson t21

The Current Rules button will provide a window listing the current active rules that have been set. Add will add the rule, new rule will take you back to the phase part of the wizard so you can customize a new rule, Done will leave the wizard and save your preferences, Cancel will simply exit the wizard without saving.

Included Files - dialog box that lists current set activities - used in setting up activities - deprecated, replaced by DeviceProperties - displays a string in a JFrame (used by backend pref registry) - setup group and members for preferences - panel used to display categories - deprecated, replaced by Categories class - takes text from the registry and displays it in a JDialog - main window which leads to other areas in the iUPC - reads the configuration information from the prefcfg.cfg file - used to add a new device (endpoint) - lists currently set devices
InvalidLoginException - exception thrown upon invalid login attempt - login window, has main method to start the iUPC - excpetion thrown for missing password - used to setup a particular phases' categories and rules - selection screen to select a phase to configure - deprecated, replaced by DeviceProperties - displays currently setup rules - wizard to setup phases,endpoints, and rules for the iUPC

Timothy Sohn,
Last modified: Tue Jul 10 15:10:02 PDT 2001