This is a directory used by Barbara Hohlt and Steve Czerwinski for the TranscoderService which is part of ICEBERG pre-Release 0.0. It can be found in the ICEBERG download ==> Below are instructions for installing the service. Pre-Installation Instructions 1. The TranscoderService executes as a Ninja Service in a Ninja iSpace. Download and install Ninja 1.5 at http://ninja.cs/software.html 2. Install GSM toast 3. Install sox 4. The TranscoderService requires the installation of IBM ViaVoice and ViaVoiceOutloud, applying some modifications (viavoice_mods.tar), and editing some paths. a) Install ViaVoice SDK and Runtime save some files (optional) // custom audio library cd ViaVoice/samples/audio cp audbase.c // dictation grammar cd ViaVoice/samples/dwplus cp Makefile cp dw.c // rule grammar cd ViaVoice/samples/gramsam cp Makefile cp gramasc.c b) Install ViaVoiceOutloud SDK and Runtime save some files (optional) // synthesizer cd ViaVoiceOutloud/samples/cmdlinespeak cp makefile.linux c) The modicications in the .tar file create a ViaVoice custom audio library, audfile, which supports file I/O to and from the speech recognizer and synthesizer. cd to directory that contains ViaVoice and ViaVoiceOutloud directories (i.e. that is the parent directory of the two) tar -xvf viavoice_mods.tar d) Change paths in files if necessary and make Note: If you didn't install ViaVoice in /usr/lib you will need to change some paths. In any case you will need to run make. cd ViaVoice/samples/audio/ Change path if necessary in audbase.c::AudioCreate() cd ViaVoice/samples/audio/audfile make cd ViaVoice/samples/dwplus Change path if necessary in runascdict make cd ViaVoice/samples/gramsam Change path if necessary in rungramsam make cd ViaVoiceOutloud/samples/cmdlinespeak Change path if necessary in runcmdlinespeakfileout (it's possible the path to eci.ini is different, check your .save file) make -f makefile.linux Installation of TranscoderService 1. mkdir /tmp/analout 2. Change paths if necessary in run* files for: iceberg/transcoder/run* iceberg/transcoder/analyzer/runaudioanal 3. Set properties in .ninja/config. You will need to use your own paths where necessary. The property, external.transcoder.address, is the host address and iSpace port number of the TranscoderService. If you are using a default iSpace port them don't add the ':xxxx'. # EXAMPLE: Needed for Transcoder iceberg.transcoder.address external.transcoder.recognizer /usr/lib/ViaVoice/samples/dwplus/runascdict external.transcoder.recocmd /usr/lib/ViaVoice/samples/gramsam/rungramasc external.transcoder.synthesizer /usr/lib/ViaVoiceOutloud/samples/cmdlinespeak/runcmdlinespeakfileout external.transcoder.gsm /bin/rungsm external.transcoder.sox22 /bin/runsox22 external.transcoder.append /bin/runappend external.transcoder.cleanup /bin/runcleanup external.transcoder.audioanal /transcoder/analyzer/runaudioanal 4. run make in the analyzer directory 5. edit and run make in the transcoder directory 6. If you want to use the Transcoder without installing the Mediamanager, just comment out any references to MediaManager and its classes and it will work fine. 7. Note: References to the Ninja SDS Service have been commented out. If you would like to use SDS with the Transcoder Service for service discovery, just remove the comments and make.