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Class iceberg.APCpath.operators.ProcessOperator


public abstract class ProcessOperator
extends Operator
implements Runnable

Variable Index

 o bufferlen
 o IN
 o in
 o lock
 o myname
 o numRecv
 o numSent
 o opinput
 o opoutput
 o OUT
 o out
 o proc
 o procinput
 o procInThread
 o procoutput
 o procOutThread

Constructor Index

 o ProcessOperator(String)
 o ProcessOperator(String, String, String)
Construct a new ProcessOperator.

Method Index

 o exec()
Start any executable - gives a better measure of the end2end perf at the client
 o getCmd()
 o getProcess()
 o ipBlockSize()
 o kill()
the default implementation of kill() unexports the NinjaRemoteObject and kills all connectors.
 o opBlockSize()
 o run()
 o setProcOutThread(Thread)
 o start(DescrOperator)
start this operator running.
 o stop()
stop this operator from running.
 o wakeUp()


 o numRecv
 public int numRecv
 o numSent
 public int numSent
 o lock
 public Object lock
 o IN
 public static final String IN
 o OUT
 public static final String OUT
 o myname
 public String myname
 o bufferlen
 protected static final int bufferlen
 protected static final int OPBLOCKSIZE
 protected static final int IPBLOCKSIZE
 o opinput
 protected StreamConnectorReaderIF opinput
 o opoutput
 protected StreamConnectorWriterIF opoutput
 o procinput
 protected InputStream procinput
 o procoutput
 protected OutputStream procoutput
 o in
 protected String in
 o out
 protected String out
 o proc
 protected Process proc
 o procInThread
 protected Thread procInThread
 o procOutThread
 protected Thread procOutThread


 o ProcessOperator
 public ProcessOperator(String myname,
                        String in,
                        String out) throws RemoteException
Construct a new ProcessOperator. myname is the name for this operator. in is the id of the input to pull date from. out is the id of the output to push data to. (in and/or out are null if they shouldn't be used).

 o ProcessOperator
 public ProcessOperator(String myname) throws RemoteException


 o getCmd
 protected abstract String[] getCmd()
 o start
 public void start(DescrOperator descrop)
start this operator running.

start in class Operator
 o stop
 public void stop()
stop this operator from running.

stop in class Operator
 o wakeUp
 public void wakeUp() throws RemoteException
wakeUp in class Operator
 o kill
 public void kill() throws IOException, RemoteException
the default implementation of kill() unexports the NinjaRemoteObject and kills all connectors.

kill in class Operator
 o getProcess
 protected Process getProcess()
 o setProcOutThread
 protected void setProcOutThread(Thread t)
 o exec
 public void exec()
Start any executable - gives a better measure of the end2end perf at the client

exec in class Operator
 o opBlockSize
 public int opBlockSize() throws RemoteException
opBlockSize in class Operator
 o ipBlockSize
 public int ipBlockSize() throws RemoteException
ipBlockSize in class Operator
 o run
 public void run()

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