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public class APC
extends iSpaceService
implements APCIF
APC service: coordinates path creation activity. It contacts the connection manager on various Ispaces to do the operator placement.

Variable Index

 o G
 o hostNames
 o hostsInfo
 o numValid
 o Operators
My list of operators.
 o pathTable
 o validHosts
 o validList

Constructor Index

 o APC()
APC(): constructor: creating an APC service.

Method Index

 o changePath(int, EndPointInfo)
changes path's endpointinfo, need to retain the same pathID
 o changePathEndPt(int, String, String)
changes path's first operator to the new addresss and new port
 o destroy()
destroy the APC service
 o init(iSpaceServiceConfig)
init: takes in argument of a file name specifying available hosts to be used in placing operators, each of this hosts needs to run a connection manager service
 o pathRequest(EndPointInfo, EndPointInfo)
This function is called to request to have a new data path built from the source point with srcEndpt to destination point with destEndpt.
 o pathRequest(int, String, String, String, String, String, String, Object[], Object[], String, String)
pathRequest: Given a request for path construction, (1) creates the physical path description, (2) implement the actual path arglist: is the list of the potential additional arguments that might exist for the first operator.
 o pathTearDown(int)
pathTearDown: Tear down the path connection: closes the operators, need to close connections and delete the path data structure.
 o repairPath(String, String, int, int)
To repair a path: 1) find a host to load the failing operator 2) find the culprit operator 3) relocate the operator to the new host 4) re-establish the broken connections 5) restart the data flow by starting the operator


 o pathTable
 public static Hashtable pathTable
 o hostsInfo
 public static Hashtable hostsInfo
 public static final String MYNAME
 o hostNames
 public static Vector hostNames
 o validList
 public static ConnectorMgrIF validList[]
 o validHosts
 public static String validHosts[]
 o numValid
 public static int numValid
 o Operators
 public static final String Operators[]
My list of operators. Format is , , , , , ,...

 o G
 public static Hashtable G


 o APC
 public APC() throws RemoteException
APC(): constructor: creating an APC service.


 o init
 protected void init(iSpaceServiceConfig config)
init: takes in argument of a file name specifying available hosts to be used in placing operators, each of this hosts needs to run a connection manager service

init in class iSpaceService
 o destroy
 protected void destroy()
destroy the APC service

destroy in class iSpaceService
 o pathRequest
 public int pathRequest(int pathid,
                        String inputType,
                        String outputType,
                        String inputHost,
                        String inputPort,
                        String outputHost,
                        String outputPort,
                        Object others1[],
                        Object others2[],
                        String cName,
                        String sessionID) throws RemoteException, PathNotFoundException
pathRequest: Given a request for path construction, (1) creates the physical path description, (2) implement the actual path arglist: is the list of the potential additional arguments that might exist for the first operator.

 o pathRequest
 public int pathRequest(EndPointInfo endpt1,
                        EndPointInfo endpt2) throws RemoteException, PathNotFoundException
This function is called to request to have a new data path built from the source point with srcEndpt to destination point with destEndpt. EndPointInfo is a data structure containing relevant information needed for path construction (e.g. data format, IP address and port number etc.) Path ID is returned as a unique handle to the path built.

endpt1 - -- the description of the source
endpt2 - -- the description of the destination
 o pathTearDown
 public void pathTearDown(int pathId) throws RemoteException
pathTearDown: Tear down the path connection: closes the operators, need to close connections and delete the path data structure.

 o repairPath
 public void repairPath(String opName,
                        String cType,
                        int tType,
                        int pathID) throws RemoteException
To repair a path: 1) find a host to load the failing operator 2) find the culprit operator 3) relocate the operator to the new host 4) re-establish the broken connections 5) restart the data flow by starting the operator

 o changePath
 public void changePath(int pathId,
                        EndPointInfo newEndPointInfo) throws RemoteException, PathNotFoundException
changes path's endpointinfo, need to retain the same pathID

 o changePathEndPt
 public void changePathEndPt(int pathId,
                             String newAddress,
                             String newPort) throws RemoteException
changes path's first operator to the new addresss and new port

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